Saturday, March 30, 2013

I hope this is a good idea . .

okay. .  .  . .fro m the beginning  i need  to let you  know a few things about me. I cuss like a trucker, snore like a bear, and worry that i am not perfect enough even more that an Asian kid. i have a sing-song litany of health and mental health issues that make me disabled. The list ,in no particular order....

major depression: it sucks my life force out of me.
panic disorder with agoraphobia: i am terrified of riding in a car and of going to mew places. there are about three public places i will go and i will go to the homes of my mom and broth.
Sjogrens disorder: my body does.npt.produce.enough.moisture tto leep mu.eyes from feeling gritty or my mouth fro being dry. i dont have enoigh moisture for my joints to work prpperly or my internal organs eitjer. always constipated because my body.holds onto everything it can to draw.moisture from.
fibromyalgia amd chronic fatigue staeter in i tjought everyone felt as i did - that it was part of growing up.
seizures-nuf said

my refuge is knitting. and i hope to figire oit jow to at least supullement my disability by selling a few things. i work hard on developi.g origional patterns and would like to get them published. i would also love to be a pattern test knitter for pthers debeloping patterns.

pardon my crap ass typing. i use a kindle fire to do everything....

except knit.